What is the Pupil Development Grant?
The purpose of the PDG is to improve outcomes for learners eligible for free school meals (eFSM). It is intended to overcome the additional barriers that prevent learners from disadvantaged backgrounds achieving their full potential. At Radyr, our plan for using the PDG is integrated into our school improvement plan (SIP), drawing on best practice, well-evidenced interventions and as part of a whole-school strategy. We use the PDG in order to narrow the gap in both attainment and achievement for this targeted group. We fund a number of approaches aimed at developing self-esteem, practical skills and emotional resilience, as well as academic knowledge and skill. We track progress on a pupil-by-pupil basis and ensure that high quality teaching is in place day by day. Other interventions are targeted and specific and aimed at removing barriers to learning and enjoyment that social context and poverty can lead to.
The school undertakes the following activities in order to support pupils facing the challenges of poverty and deprivation:
- Bespoke skills-based courses
- Literacy programme
- Numeracy programme
- Monitoring & tracking of pupils
- Small group intervention activities
- Bespoke learning experiences designed to engage
- Strategies to support the monitoring & tracking of FSM pupils
The school’s PDG Plan is scrutinised by the Governing Body and monitored by the Local Authority and Central South Consortium Improvement Partner.