“We all share a responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, whether as a parent, or family member, a friend or neighbour, an employer or as a paid or volunteer worker. All members of the community can help to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people and should act to do so if they have concerns about a child’s welfare” Safeguarding Children: Working Together under the Children Act 2004”

Safeguarding is about ensuring that everyone is safe from harm – safe from bullying, safe from people who could abuse, safe from discrimination or harassment – and that we all feel safe in our environment.  Radyr Comprehensive School acknowledges the importance of its role in the welfare of young people, and through the general ethos of the school will seek to encourage children in need of support to come forward.

We believe that students have a right to learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment, which includes the right to protection from all types of abuse, where staff are vigilant for signs of any student in distress and are confident about applying the processes to avert and alleviate any such problems. Our Child Protection policy and procedures are in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the students in our care. We ensure that all staff (including supply staff, volunteers and governors) are aware of these procedures.

Radyr Comprehensive School will work with multi-disciplinary partners within the statutory frameworks from official guidelines. Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a student’s welfare. Where possible, we will ensure that concerns about our students are discussed with their parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the student’s welfare.

Teaching assistants, mid-day supervisors, supply staff, administrative and support staff as well as teachers can be the first point of disclosure for a child. Concerned parents may also contact the school or governors. The policy will be reviewed annually and will reflect any new policy documentation or guidance.

If you have any concerns regarding a child’s wellbeing or in the event of a disclosure, contact the Designated Senior Person (DSP) or Deputy Designated Senior Person (DDSP) at the school. If a disclosure is made about the Headteacher contact the Chair of Governors. The full Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy can be found below and in the Documents and Policies section of the website.

  • The governor with responsibility for safeguarding and child protection is Mrs Kathryn Morgan (Vice Chair of Governors).
  • The Chair of Governors is Dr David Silver.

To contact Mrs Kathryn Morgan or Dr David Silver, please contact Mrs Julie Lawrence (Clerk to the Full Governing Body) on LawrenceJ95@Hwbcymru.net.

Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Team
Designated Senior Person (DSP)
Mrs Jen Jones (Assistant Headteacher)
Email: JonesJ3784@Hwbcymru.net
Deputy Designated Senior Person (DDSP)
Deputy Designated Senior Person (DDSP)
Deputy Designated Senior Person (DDSP)
Ms Stacey Thomas (Deputy Headteacher)
Mr Owen Wood (Deputy Headteacher)
Mr Mike O’Brien (Head of Lower School)
Email :ThomasS1051@Hwbcymru.net
Email: woodo17@hwbcymru.net
Email: obrienm82@hwbcymru.net
Deputy Designated Senior Person (DDSP)
Deputy Designated Senior Person (DDSP)
Deputy Designated Senior Person (DDSP)
Mr Dan Jay (Assistant Headteacher)
Mr RIchard Jenkins (Assistant Headteacher)
Mr Matt Bayley (Director of SIxth Form)
Email: JayD12@Hwbcymru.net
Email: JenkinsR163@Hwbcymru.net
Email: BayleyM4@Hwbcymru.net
Deputy Designated Senior Person (DDSP)
Mr Dale Hicks (Director of Upper School)
Email: HicksD33@Hwbcymru.net

Keeping your child safe is our key priority at Radyr Comprehensive School.

If your child tells a member of school staff that they have been hurt by another adult or going to be hurt then that member of staff has a duty to report this to the School’s Designated Safeguarding Person Mrs J.Jones.

The Designated Safeguarding Person will sometimes need to share this information with Cardiff Children’s Services for advice and support. You may be informed that this is happening unless Children’s Services advise us otherwise.

Please understand that when we do this, we are following the Wales Safeguarding Procedures and not making any judgements about families.

The needs of the child come first

Think before you click!

We need your help!

When you attend a school event and we ask you to not share images on social media it really is for a good reason. Not all families want their children’s images to be shared on social media (including WhatsApp) some families must not have their children’s images on social media. There may be children in this school who might be adopted, living in foster care or fleeing domestic violence and by revealing their identity could put the child at risk of harm. This could result in the child having to move schools. You may not know the child’s background so PLEASE do not share images of anyone else’s child other than your own.

We must respect that all families are entitled to privacy.

Related Documents & Policies
Child Protection Policy